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Praxisbeiträge auf dem MUUUH! Newshub

Seit 2019 schreibe ich mehr oder weniger regelmäßig Beiträge für den Newshub bei MUUUH! Next, einer Agentur und Geschäftseinheit der MUUUUH! Group, die sich auf digitale Kommunikation und innovative Technologien spezialisiert. Viele Projekte bei MUUUH! drehen sich um die Gestaltung digitaler (Kunden-) Interaktionen mit Hilfe innovativer Technologien, zum Beispiel dem Outsourcing von digitalem Dialog und Community Management, Dialogautomation (z.B. über Chatbots/Voicebots) und die Entwicklung von individueller Software (z.B. Apps).

In vielen meiner Praxisbeiträge auf dem Newshub versuche ich aktuelle, wissenschaftliche Publikationen am Schnittpunkt zwischen Strategie, Kommunikation und Technologie, in der Regel mit Fokus auf Social Media und Online Communities, verständlich für Praktiker aufzubereiten. Vielfach kommen die Themen aus Lehre und Forschung oder aber sie inspirieren diese im Nachgang. Neben den Transferbeiträgen aus der Wissenschaft gibt es allerdings auch einige Interviews mit einschlägigen Praktikern aus der Digital- und Kommunikationsbranche. Hier ist eine Übersicht:

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Thoughts on the 5th Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis #tsna

I spent most of last week at the 5th Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis. I have to say that Mar­kus Gam­per, Andreas Herz and Richard Heidler were doing a great job as lecturers and convenors of the workshops. John Padgett from the University of Chicago held an inspiring keynote speech on the first night talking about his enduring work on the Medici.

The first two days were filled with theory (an excellent, extensive reading list was provided prior to the course), the last 3.5 days were practical training with real data using different types of software, namely Pajek, Gephi, Vennmaker and R. While I was already familiar with a number of the readings and concepts discussed, the use of the different software tools for data entry, visualization and analysis was still new to me. Although we discussed a number of interesting data sets, the most entertaining one was the network of Richard’s wedding party where people were seated at tables based on friendship cliques. I guess you can tell that Richard treasures his profession and discipline 😉

5te trierer summer school 21

The most valuable bit of the week was probably a session that could best be translated as ‘research consultancy’. Everyone had the chance to submit their project proposals by the beginning of the summer in order to have them reviewed by the researchers listed above. I have had some feedback on my work from colleagues in my discipline when attending the AOM2011, however the summer school was a great chance to collect more ideas in methodological terms. Richard made me aware of the use of R for generating stochastic models of networks and conducting significance tests, for example.

Throughout the week I paid closer (than usual) attention to the #SNA hashtag on Twitter and discovered a few interesting posts. There is an active Gephi community in Berlin. Furthermore, I discovered niche sites for SNA in historical research and SNA in organizational research. Last but not least, I came across a new tool for managerial network analysis called Socilyzer.

On Personal Effectiveness: Shareaholic


Regardless of whether I am at work or at home, I like to share the information that I come across every day. In order to do so, I have installed a variety of applications for the different types of communication channels I am using. I recently stumbled across a great tool that lets me share all my links in a very convenient way. It is called Shareaholic and provides access to many of the services I use every day, such as Twitter, Facebook, Posterous, Google Reader, Delicious and so on. While I was updating to the newest version the other day, I discovered a nice little video which I would like to share with you. Have a look and check out if this is something you would like to use as well.


The Conversation Prism by @briansolis and @jess3


The Conversation Prism nicely brings together tasks, tools and (corporate) uses of social media. The number of different ‘leaves’ gives you an idea of how many different uses there are. The logos within each ‘leaf’ represent the various tools you could use to get the task done. Are you working on the same business report with your colleagues from around the world or sharing personal photos with friends and family? Do you want to keep in touch with old colleagues or expand your existing network? Would you like to start publishing yourself as I do now 😉 ?