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CfP: Special Issue on Business Capabilities, Relationships, and Networks

My colleague Martin Eisend recently pointed me to an interesting call for papers by the journal Industrial Marketing Management. Maciej Mitręga, Sebastian Forkmann, and Stephan Henneberg are editing a Special Issue on Business Capabilities, Relationships, and Networks. As the title indicates, the special issue tries to combine the literature on dynamic capabilities, relationships, and networks. These foci happen to be the pillars of the doctoral program I recently graduated from. To my knowledge, the special issue is the first type of publication that explicitly tries to to link the topics above and it is noteworthy for that reason. Deadline for submissions is October 1, 2015. You can find more information about the special issue below. Continue reading CfP: Special Issue on Business Capabilities, Relationships, and Networks

Call for Applications: 6 PhD Positions

The PhD program in ‘Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships’, which I graduated from earlier this year, is currently seeking applications for six PhD positions, starting in April 2015. Deadline for applications is January 5, 2015. I think the terms are quite attractive, ranging from the choice of your own topic, a monthly scholarship, access to a laptop and research software to a personal research budget for seminars and conferences. More details can be found here.

My Top 3 Articles for 2012

I really like Google Alerts and think they are a great resource for researchers and practitioners alike.  I’ve subscribed to a number of keywords, e.g. dynamic capabilities and online communities, and thus get fresh articles delivered by email several times a week. I have made it a habit to go through them and it now feels a bit like reading the morning paper ;-). Admittedly, it is a rather time-consuming process, yet I do feel it helps me significantly to stay up to date in my field. Continue reading My Top 3 Articles for 2012

International Paper Development Workshop in Passau

Through the OCIS listserv of the Academy of Management, I recently became aware of an International Paper Development Workshop being held at the University of Passau on May 31, 2013. Drawn by some big names in the field, such as Elizabeth Davidson (the current President of the Academy’s OCIS Division), Mike Chiasson, and Yuqing (Ching) Ren, I chose to attend. The workshop was hosted by Prof. Marina Fiedler and her team, who did a great job. Continue reading International Paper Development Workshop in Passau

AoM Symposium: Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities

At this year’s Academy of Management Conference, which will take place in Orlando, Florida, my colleague Markus Vodosek and I are going to organize a symposium entitled Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities. The symposium will feature presentations by Jeff Martin, whom I met for the first time in 2012, and several of my colleagues from the PhD program on Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships. Margaret Peteraf has agreed to serve as a discussant for the session.

The symposium is sponsored by the Business Policy and Strategy Division, the Organization and Management Theory Division, and the Technology and Innovation Management Division. Our session is scheduled for Monday, August 12, 2013, from 4:45pm to 6:15pm at WDW Swan Resort in Pelican 1. If you are a scholar interested in dynamic capabilities and their microfoundations, we hope to meet you there.