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International Paper Development Workshop in Passau

Through the OCIS listserv of the Academy of Management, I recently became aware of an International Paper Development Workshop being held at the University of Passau on May 31, 2013. Drawn by some big names in the field, such as Elizabeth Davidson (the current President of the Academy’s OCIS Division), Mike Chiasson, and Yuqing (Ching) Ren, I chose to attend. The workshop was hosted by Prof. Marina Fiedler and her team, who did a great job.

In the morning, the three senior scholars gave keynotes on good research practice and provided some advise on how to publish in high quality outlets. In the afternoon, workshops were held in small groups and one of the senior scholars was assigned to each group. I was particularly keen on speaking with Yuqing Ren as she recently published an article with Linda Argote  (Argote & Ren, 2012) which I consider essential for my own research. Not only was Yuqing very well prepared to give detailed feedback, the small group size at the workshop allowed for plenty of interactive discussions. Given that the target group for this workshop was junior researchers, it also didn’t feel like a conference where work is exposed to a lot of senior colleagues in the field, thus putting a lot of pressure on junior presenters. Ultimately, it was nice to see that an AoM event doesn’t necessarily need to take place in the US. Passau actually made a nice workshop venue. Unfortunately, though, the city was hit by a major flood shortly after we left.


Argote, L. and Y. Ren. (2012).’Transactive Memory Systems: A Microfoundation of Dynamic Capabilities’, Journal of Management Studies, 49(8), pp. 1375–1382.

Published by

David Wagner

Management Professor, Academic Director (DBA) and Vice Dean, Research at Munich Business School

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