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Call for Papers: SSCR Special Issue on Social Media

Here’s an interesting call for papers for a special issue of the journal Social Science Computer Review on Best Practices in Social Media at Non-profit, Public, Education, and Healthcare Organizations. There are still a few days left until the submission deadline on July 30, 2013, so if you have a manuscript that’s almost done and fits the theme, it may be worthwhile giving it a try. Below is a short description of what the editors are looking for.

The special issue of SSCR aims to investigate and understand different aspects of social media use in government, nonprofit, education, and health care organizations. We are soliciting original contributions in the form of evidence-based , “best practices” studies, scholarship on legal and ethical issues, case studies, and empirical research. All lenses of inquiry , including strategic, organizational, behavioural, legal,  economic, and technical are encouraged. We are particularly interested in interdisciplinary and international research that develops and applies multiple perspectives.

Greenwich Summer School on Social Network Analysis

From June 17 to June 25, 2013, the University of Greenwich held a Summer School on Social Network Analysis which I attended (for an overview of alternatives, see here). The University is home to the Centre for Business Network Analysis, which is headed by Bruce Cronin. The way the center is positioned is rather unique and, to my knowledge, the only comparable entity is the LINKS Center for Social Network Analysis in Kentucky, which is run by Dan Brass. Several courses were offered at the summer school, some for beginners, others for more advanced students. I took the course on models of longitudinal network analysis which was organized and lead by Guido Conaldi. Continue reading Greenwich Summer School on Social Network Analysis

My Top 3 Articles for 2012

I really like Google Alerts and think they are a great resource for researchers and practitioners alike.  I’ve subscribed to a number of keywords, e.g. dynamic capabilities and online communities, and thus get fresh articles delivered by email several times a week. I have made it a habit to go through them and it now feels a bit like reading the morning paper ;-). Admittedly, it is a rather time-consuming process, yet I do feel it helps me significantly to stay up to date in my field. Continue reading My Top 3 Articles for 2012

International Paper Development Workshop in Passau

Through the OCIS listserv of the Academy of Management, I recently became aware of an International Paper Development Workshop being held at the University of Passau on May 31, 2013. Drawn by some big names in the field, such as Elizabeth Davidson (the current President of the Academy’s OCIS Division), Mike Chiasson, and Yuqing (Ching) Ren, I chose to attend. The workshop was hosted by Prof. Marina Fiedler and her team, who did a great job. Continue reading International Paper Development Workshop in Passau

AoM Symposium: Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities

At this year’s Academy of Management Conference, which will take place in Orlando, Florida, my colleague Markus Vodosek and I are going to organize a symposium entitled Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities. The symposium will feature presentations by Jeff Martin, whom I met for the first time in 2012, and several of my colleagues from the PhD program on Dynamic Capabilities and Relationships. Margaret Peteraf has agreed to serve as a discussant for the session.

The symposium is sponsored by the Business Policy and Strategy Division, the Organization and Management Theory Division, and the Technology and Innovation Management Division. Our session is scheduled for Monday, August 12, 2013, from 4:45pm to 6:15pm at WDW Swan Resort in Pelican 1. If you are a scholar interested in dynamic capabilities and their microfoundations, we hope to meet you there.