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Conference Paper: Leadership 2.0

My colleague Alexander Richter and I recently presented an article on ‘Leadership 2.0’ at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). The article deals with the impact of social media and online communities on leaders in organizations. We present a framework to support and engage leaders in the transition process towards a networked organization. You can find the abstract, our conference presentation, and the full citation below.

“The adoption of social software brings about a plethora of socio-technological changes for organizations. A still largely unresolved challenge is to develop a better understanding of the consequences for leadership. To address this challenge, we first develop the notion of leadership 2.0, delineating it from previous leadership approaches. Then, we present results from 24 interviews conducted with project leaders for social software projects of publicly listed, mostly multinational organizations. Analyzing the interviews, we derive a set of activities that help to consider the role of leaders during the adoption and use of social software. We group the activities into three categories: convince (engage and activate leaders), sensitize (demonstrate the impact and develop new leadership models) and coach (help leaders to embrace the new tools and understand emergent use cases). We present this set of interventions as a framework to support and engage leaders in the transition process towards a networked organization.”


Richter, A., & Wagner, D. 2014. Leadership 2.0: Engaging and Supporting Leaders in the Transition towards a Networked Organization. Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: 574–583, Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society. [Link]

Call for Applications: 6 PhD Positions

We’re currently seeking applications for six fully-funded PhD positions in our doctoral program. Here’s the link to the program description and the official call for applications. Below is a short summary of the most important points:

The aim of the doctoral program is to create knowledge about how organizations achieve and sustain competitive advantage in rapidly changing environments through the development of critical competences in relationship with other organizations and stakeholders. I’ve listed some key references here. Continue reading Call for Applications: 6 PhD Positions

Social Media for Research

I’ve been using social media for professional purposes for a number of years now. During this time, I’ve had several conversations with colleagues over lunch and on other occasions about why I do what I do and what I get out of it. To date, I’ve not written these thoughts up (although some conversations have been converted into blog posts on this site). Recently, I’ve come across a presentation by Ian McCarthy, who’s a Professor at Simon Fraser University, which does exactly that. In his presentation, Ian reflects on how he uses social media for academic purposes. Interestingly, he does so with help of an article he’s recently published in the journal Business Horizons. Now, that’s applied research 😉 You can find his presentation embedded below. For my German readers, here’s a related presentation by my colleague Alexander Stocker entitled ‘Why research institutions should be using social media’.

Berlin: A Research Opportunity

Although I currently live and work in Heilbronn, in South West Germany, I do keep an eye on what is happening in the Berlin area, where I was raised. Apart from the disastrous news about the new airport, Berlin has recently received some very good press exposure regarding its technology and start-up industry, e.g., in the The Economist, and on TechCrunch. As Ciaran O´Leary from TechCrunch, puts it: Continue reading Berlin: A Research Opportunity

On Mind Maps and @Biggerplate

Over the past years, I’ve frequently made use of mind maps, e.g., to plan projects while at the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce or for parts of my dissertation research. A little while ago, I’ve summarized the article by Eisenhardt (1989) on case study research in a mind map and included it in a blog post. However, I’ve only recently become aware of the mind map library on Biggerplate. It is a neat collection of mind maps across all popular software applications (for an overview, see here). Once registered, you can download the mind maps in their native format and adapt them to your individual needs. Continue reading On Mind Maps and @Biggerplate