As reported earlier this year, we, i.e., a project group from the (German) Association for Community Management, ran a social media and community management survey over the summer of 2015. Our goal was to gain a better understanding of the working conditions of social media and community professionals in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. We were also curious about the organizational context in which these practitioners are embedded and how their communities contribute to organizational performance. We have presented the results at several practitioner conferences, namely the Social Business Club (part of IBM Business Connect) in Cologne and the CommunityCamp in Berlin. Following these presentations, we published the report, entitled ‘The Status of Social Media and Community Management in the DACH Region’. You can find our conference presentation and more details regarding the content of the study below. Continue reading Study: Social Media and Community Management in D-A-CH
Tag: survey
Social Media and Community Management Survey 2015
A little while ago, I’ve taken on the role as head of the research committee of the Association for Community Management. The Association is a professional organization, representing the interests and supporting the development of social media and community professionals in the German-speaking part of Europe. I guess it’s the German equivalent of the Community Roundtable in the US. We’ve recently put together a project group, consisting of several researchers and practitioners, in order to develop a social media and community survey, which we’re launching today. Our objective is to analyze the working conditions of social media and community professionals and the organizational context in which they are embedded. We’re also trying to better understand how communities contribute to organizational performance. If you’re working as a social media or community manager in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, I’d like to encourage you to take the survey.
International Corporate Blog Reader Study by @KingNils
My friend Nils König is currently running a survey for his PhD dissertation. He will analyze how attitudes of internet users vary towards corporate blogs and how reading preferences are shaped by cultural, demographic and experience factors. The survey is conducted in English, German and Russian, and will eventually enable an inter-cultural comparison of corporate blog reading and commenting behavior. The questionnaire comprises 17 questions, which will take about 10 minutes to answer. Please, take a moment to help Nils with his project.