At this year’s Academy of Management Conference, which will take place in Vancouver, BC, in August, my colleague Christine Moser (VU Amsterdam) and I are going to organize a panel symposium entitled ‘Online Communities Research: Quo Vadis? Perspectives on Knowledge Work, Collaboration, & Innovation’. We are proud to have have Linus Dahlander (ESMT), Samer Faraj (McGill), Ann Majchrzak (USC), and Yuqing Ren (University of Minnesota) as panelists. The symposium is sponsored by the Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division, Business Policy and Strategy Division, and the Technology and Innovation Management Division. Our session is scheduled for Monday, August 10, 2015, from 3:00-4:30pm at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Room 224. If you are a management scholar interested in online communities, we hope to meet you there. You can find the abstract below. Continue reading AoM 2015: Session on Online Communities
Tag: vancouver
AoM 2015: Session on Dynamic Capabilities
This year it’ll be the 5th time I’m attending the Academy of Management Conference. I have good memories of the doctoral consortia and workshops I attended in the early years of my PhD. Here are two of my blog posts from back then: Reflections on the AoM in 2011 and Reflections on the AoM in 2012. Over the years, the conference has become a standard summer event for me. This year, I teamed up with my colleague Madeleine Rauch (European University Viadrina/German Graduate School of Management and Law) to organize a symposium entitled ‘Dynamic Capabilities: Bridging Diverging Conversations’. We have brought together an interesting set of papers from researchers surrounding our research group on dynamic capabilities. We’re delighted to have Gianmario Verona (Bocconi) and Oliver Schilke (University of Arizona) as facilitators for the discussion. The symposium is sponsored by the Business Policy and Strategy Division, and the Technology and Innovation Management Division. Our session is scheduled for Monday, August 10, 2015, from 8:00-9:30am at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Room 205. If you are a strategy or innovation scholar interested in dynamic capabilities, we hope to meet you there. You can find the abstract below. Continue reading AoM 2015: Session on Dynamic Capabilities