From May 18-20, 2016 the 21st conference of the International Academy of Management and Business took place in Montreal, Canada. I presented a paper entitled “Exploring the Strategic Impact of Online Communities: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective.” In the paper we argue that online communities may help organizations to attain a competitive advantage by allowing them to sense and seize opportunities and reconfigure resources. We present three cases and describe how organizations have employed them accordingly. The paper was nominated for the Best Applied Research Award. You can find more details about the conference and my presentation below.
Having tried out many of the ‘big names’ in the field of strategy (e.g. Strategic Management Society), management (e.g. Academy of Management) and information systems (e.g. International Conference on Information Systems), I was curious to attend the IAMB conference in Montreal. It’s a much smaller and thus more personal affair than most of the big research conferences. I felt it drew a solid international audience and may be a particularly good fit for PhD students and early career scholars.
Wagner, D., Wenzel, M., Wagner, H.-T., & Koch, J. 2016. Exploring the strategic impact of online communities: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Paper presented at the 21st IAMB Conference, Montreal, Canada. [Slides]