At my school, the German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS), we’re organizing a series of seminars called Methods in Business Research. We’re aiming to hold these seminars about two times a year. This year we had Steve Borgatti (University of Kentucky), giving a seminar on Social Network Analysis, for example. For one of the seminars in 2016, we’ll have Professor Ann Langley from HEC Montréal. Ann will be teaching her course ‘Reading, Doing & Publishing Research in Strategy & Management’ from April 4-7, 2016, in Heilbronn, Germany. Ann’s a great scholar, a fabulous teacher, and a very nice person to work with. I know this because I was fortunate enough to have taken her course during my stay at McGill University last winter. I can thus highly recommend it. You can find more details below.
Lecturer: Ann Langley is the chairholder of the Chair in Strategic Management in Pluralistic Settings, professor of management at HEC Montréal and codirector of the Strategy as Practice Study Group at HEC Montréal. Ann’s an editor of the journal Strategic Organization and on the editorial board of the Academy of Management Journal, among others. Ann has published in the Administrative Science Quarterly, the Academy of Management Journal, and Organization Science, and many more outlets. Ann is the Chair-Elect of the Organization and Management Theory Division at the Academy of Management.
This seminar is intended for doctoral students and post docs in the field of strategy and management who are interested in improving their research skills.
Here’s the link to the complete course syllabus.
The title of the course expresses its three main objectives and components which are summarized below:
Reading: At the end of the seminar, students should be able to competently evaluate research articles in strategy and management that use a wide range of methodological approaches. To achieve this, the seminar will be structured to incorporate readings using a different methodological approach at each session (e.g., questionnaires, secondary data bases, typological analysis, experiments, ethnography, histories, case studies, etc.).
Doing: At the end of the seminar, participants should have a practical feel for the requirements of different types of methods in strategy and management through the participation in certain mini-exercises that will be presented to other members of the class. These may include documentary search, data collection, data base construction and qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
Publishing: At the end of the seminar, students should have greater awareness of the requirements for publishing articles in various types of outlets in the strategy and management field. Part of the seminar will therefore be devoted to examining the various journals in the field and discussing the publication process. During the seminar, all participants will be asked to submit an article (as single author or as co-author) based on their previous or current work. This submission could be to a journal or to a conference (Academy of Management, AIMS, SMS). Students will be encouraged to collaborate with others participating in the seminar (co-signing articles where appropriate) in order to improve the quality of their contributions. Time will be allowed to discuss evolving submissions.
Interested candidates are asked to send their application, including a short letter of motivation, no later than January 31, 2016. Applications should be sent by email to Candidates will be informed of the decision regarding their acceptance until February 15. The number of participants is limited to 20 students. The course fee of 300 Euros includes registration, tuition, coffee breaks and drinks as well as lunch.
Here’s the link to the complete course syllabus.
Suggested readings:
Frost, P. J., & Taylor, M. S. 1996. Rhythms of Academic Life: Personal Accounts of Careers in Academia. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
Huff, A. S. 1999. Writing for scholarly publication. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.